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2024 strategic farming webinar series

2024 strategic farming webinar series

By Scout Nelson

Minnesota farmers, gear up for an informative winter with the University of Minnesota Extension's “Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops” webinar series. This online program, running from January 10 through March 27, 2024, is designed to provide the latest research-based information to enhance your crop management strategies for the upcoming year.

These interactive sessions, accessible via computer, phone, or mobile device, will occur every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00 am. The series is structured to be informal and inclusive, encouraging participation from all interested individuals. Each session kicks off with a brief presentation by leading experts, followed by discussions centered around farmers and participant queries.

The lineup of topics is diverse and pertinent to current agricultural challenges:

  • Grain marketing strategies and soybean crush capacity
  • Big Data implications in corn genomics
  • Maximizing soybean maturity
  • Effective herbicide application and understanding adjuvants
  • Insect management in soybean farming
  • The role of cover crops and soil health
  • Optimizing fertilizer return on investment
  • Managing common corn pests
  • Fungicide use in corn and soybean disease management
  • Updates on emerging diseases in soybean and corn

Registration for the series is free, thanks to the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, and only requires a one-time sign-up. Participants are encouraged to share their questions during registration to shape the discussion topics. All sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing.

For more information and to register, visit

Don't miss this opportunity to join the conversation and stay ahead in your farming practices with the University of Minnesota Extension's “Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops!” webinar series.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-gilaxia

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Categories: Minnesota, Business, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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