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Biofuels Group Backs AGRI Funding Bill

Biofuels Group Backs AGRI Funding Bill

By Scout Nelson

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) has expressed strong support for Minnesota Senate File 1172, which proposes the creation of an agricultural growth, research, and innovation (AGRI) program account within the state treasury. This new account would secure dedicated funding for Minnesota’s agricultural programs, including renewable energy projects.

In a written testimony to lawmakers, MN Bio-Fuels Executive Director Brian Werner highlighted the importance of this legislation. He explained that the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s AGRI program has already played a crucial role in supporting the state’s agriculture, particularly through the Biofuels Infrastructure Grant and Bioincentive programs.

“Agricultural production and value-added processing are major contributors to the state’s economy, but funding for the sector makes up just one-quarter of 1 percent of the state budget. We support S.F. 1172 because it will ensure that state funding appropriated for the purpose of supporting agriculture in Minnesota will remain dedicated for Minnesota agriculture,” Werner stated.

MN Bio-Fuels represents nine ethanol facilities in Minnesota that together produced nearly 800 million gallons of ethanol. The industry contributed approximately $2.1 billion to the state’s economy in 2024.

Creating the AGRI program account would ensure that funds intended for agricultural growth, research, and innovation remain protected and used only for their original purpose. This would provide long-term support for agricultural development, research projects, and the expansion of renewable fuel infrastructure.

With this testimony, MN Bio-Fuels emphasizes the importance of sustained and targeted investment in agriculture as a key driver of Minnesota’s economy.

For more information on this legislation, visit the Minnesota Senate’s official website and search for Senate File 1172.

Photo Credits:vista-mipan

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Categories: Minnesota, Energy

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