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Celebration of ag showcases growth in Minnesota's agriculture industry

Celebration of ag showcases growth in Minnesota's agriculture industry

By Scout Nelson

Five years ago, during the COVID-19 pandemic, farmers across Minnesota were seeking ways to uplift their communities and celebrate their industry.

"It was hard," said Sam Ziegler. "Everybody was down, and it was...what can we do to think about how we are succeeding to make sure food gets to family’s tables, and where can we do it?"

This need for community and celebration led to the creation of the Celebration of Ag event. Organized by GreenSeam, a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing southern Minnesota’s agriculture industry, the event brought farmers together to celebrate their achievements.

Held at ISG Field, home of the Mankato Moondogs, the event has grown significantly over the past five years.

"It’s really grown in attendance and support, and it’s fun to see everyone come out and support what we do, and what this means to the ag industry," said Ryan Erickson with AgCo.

This year, the event focused on the impressive growth of southern Minnesota’s agriculture over the past year. "We have lots of producers in our area - corn, soybeans, cover crops," said Anne Johnson from Redwood Falls.

However, it wasn't all positive news. In Jackson, recent flooding severely impacted agricultural production. "The flooding has affected the farmers and the crop production, it’s affected the towns and the communities," said Erickson.

Despite these challenges, Minnesota’s agriculture industry has shown remarkable resilience and growth. GreenSeam believes this positive trend will continue.

"It’s a great sign of what we’ve started, but we have a lot of work to do," said Ziegler. "Because of our soil, because of our weather, because of the business and innovation created here, I only see this continuing to grow."

The Celebration of Ag event continues to be a testament to the dedication and hard work of Minnesota’s farmers, showcasing their achievements and the bright future of the state's agriculture industry.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-alexeyrumyantsev

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