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Fieldwork and crop progress in Minnesota

Fieldwork and crop progress in Minnesota

By Scout Nelson

For the week ending August 18, 2024, Minnesota farmers averaged 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. During this period, fieldwork activities mainly included small grain harvest and hay cutting, contributing to the growing season's progress.

Topsoil moisture in Minnesota was rated at 1% very short, 8% short, 76% adequate, and 15% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels were similar, with 1% rated very short, 5% short, 79% adequate, and 15% surplus. These moisture levels provided favorable conditions for crop growth and fieldwork.

Corn silking in the state reached 95%, showing strong progress in the crop's development. However, corn reaching the dough stage was at 62%, which is 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) behind last year and 3 days behind the average.

Corn in the dent stage reached 6%, with 1% of the crop reported as mature. The overall condition of the corn crop was rated 61% good to excellent. Additionally, corn for silage harvest had begun, with 4% of the crop harvested.

Soybeans were also making progress, with 96% of the crop blooming. Soybean setting pods reached 78%, but this was 9 days behind both last year and the average. Despite the delay, the condition of the soybean crop remained strong, with 64% rated good to excellent.

Barley crops were nearing full maturity, with 97% of the barley reaching the coloring stage and 30% of the harvest complete. The condition of the barley crop remained high, with 80% rated good to excellent. Oats also showed strong performance, with 56% harvested and 79% of the crop rated good to excellent.

Spring wheat harvest was 31% complete, with an impressive 87% of the crop rated good to excellent. This indicates a successful season for wheat production in the state.

In other crops, 94% dry edible beans were blooming, with 79% setting pods and 3% beginning to drop leaves. The condition of dry edible beans was rated 68% good to excellent.

The potato harvest reached 6%, with 91% of the crop rated good to excellent. The sugarbeet harvest began, with 1% of the crop harvested and 80% of the crop rated good to excellent.

Sunflowers in Minnesota were also in good condition, with 72% of the crop rated good to excellent. The second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 91%, indicating strong forage production.

Overall, Minnesota farmers are making steady progress in their harvests, with most crops showing strong condition ratings, despite some delays in development stages compared to previous years.

Photo Credits: gettyimages-mvburling

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Hay & Forage, Weather

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