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Free series on farm estate planning

Free series on farm estate planning

By Scout Nelson

Navigating the complexities of farm transition involves unique challenges and requires careful planning. To aid farmers in this critical process, Extension educators in ag business management, Nathan Hulinsky, Susanne Hinrichs, and David Bau, are offering a series of free webinars. These sessions are designed to address the multifaceted aspects of transferring farm ownership and planning.

The webinars are scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to noon on four consecutive Wednesdays, beginning on August 14. Interested individuals can participate in one or all sessions at no charge, providing flexibility and access to valuable insights regardless of their schedule.

Each webinar focuses on a specific theme crucial to farm transition:

August 14: Participants will learn how to develop transition goals and build their support team.

August 21: The discussion will center on the tax implications of gifting, selling, and transferring farm assets.

August 28: This session will demystify legal terms like wills, trusts, and ownership titles, explaining their significance in estate planning.

September 4: The final webinar will integrate the basics of estate, retirement, healthcare, and business transfer planning into a coherent strategy.

Registration is available online, and registrants will receive a link to join each session. Additionally, attendees will be granted access to materials from each session, enhancing their ability to apply learned concepts directly to their farming operations.

This series not only aims to educate on the technical aspects of farm transitions but also to provide actionable strategies that farmers can tailor to their specific circumstances, ensuring a smoother transition and sustained success of their agricultural legacy.

Photo Credit:pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich

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Categories: Minnesota, Education, General

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