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Free weekly webinars on crop challenges

Free weekly webinars on crop challenges

By Scout Nelson

Strategic Farming 2024 introduces "Field Notes #4," a dynamic webinar series crafted specifically for farmers, agricultural professionals, and other industry stakeholders. This series is designed to address a wide range of in-season cropping challenges—from pest management to soil fertility—in a timely and interactive manner.

Held every Wednesday, these webinars provide a platform for live interaction with agricultural specialists who discuss and address cropping issues as they emerge throughout the season. Topics are flexible and adapt to current agricultural conditions, ensuring relevance and immediate applicability.

Unable to attend the live sessions? Each webinar is promptly uploaded as a podcast on, allowing you to catch up at your convenience.

The audience for these webinars includes crop producers, consultants, ag professionals, Extension and agency personnel, and anyone with an interest in crop production.

There is no cost to participate in any of the webinars, thanks to the generous sponsorship from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council and the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council.

To register for the webinar series, Click Here. Upon registration, you will receive reminder emails with a direct link to the webinar, ensuring easy access without the need for any downloads—simply join via your browser. For mobile access, the Zoom app may be required.

This series is an excellent opportunity for those in the agricultural sector to gain expert insights and discuss real-time solutions to enhance crop production efficiency and tackle challenges head-on.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-golubovy

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Categories: Minnesota, Business, Crops

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