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Minnesota awards grants for sustainable agriculture innovation

Minnesota awards grants for sustainable agriculture innovation

By Scout Nelson

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) continues its commitment to sustainable agriculture through the latest round of the Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant.

This initiative, part of the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) program, has awarded nearly $350,000 to 12 diverse projects across Minnesota, each aimed at researching and implementing sustainable agricultural practices.

These grants support projects that explore various aspects of sustainability from energy efficiency and environmental benefits to the profitability of implementing sustainable techniques on Minnesota farms.

This year's grant recipients are pioneering projects in areas such as cover cropping, solar land access, in-row weeding systems, biocontrol techniques, and cut flower production, showcasing the wide array of innovation within the state's agricultural sector.

Each project's progress and outcomes will be documented and shared in the MDA’s Greenbook, an annual publication that provides summaries of active projects, results, management tips, and other resources.

This publication serves as a tool to promote the widespread adoption of sustainable practices among the farming community.

For those interested in participating in future rounds of funding, the next application period for the Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grants opens in the fall of 2024. Prospective applicants can find updates and more information about previous projects on the MDA’s grant webpage.

The AGRI Program, which funds these grants, plays a crucial role in advancing Minnesota's agricultural and renewable energy sectors. It supports farmers, agribusinesses, and educational institutions throughout the state in their efforts to innovate and grow.

As these projects unfold, they not only contribute to individual farm success but also to the broader goals of environmental stewardship and sustainability in agriculture.

The continued investment in such initiatives by the MDA highlights the importance of innovative practices in maintaining the vitality and competitiveness of Minnesota’s agricultural industry.

Photo Credit: minnesota-department-of-agriculture

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Categories: Minnesota, Education, Sustainable Agriculture

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