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Minnesota Boosts Aid for Farm Livestock Losses

Minnesota Boosts Aid for Farm Livestock Losses

By Scout Nelson

The Rural Finance Authority (RFA) of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture has announced an expansion in the eligibility for their Disaster Recovery Loan Program. This strategic move is designed to provide substantial financial relief to Minnesota farmers who have suffered livestock losses due to specific animal diseases, namely avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV), highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), and the H5N1 flu virus.

Initially, the RFA Board recognized an emergency for these diseases, making loans available for losses occurring from February 2025 to February 2026. However, recognizing the prolonged impact of these diseases, the eligibility has now been extended to include losses from as early as April 1, 2024.

The diseases covered by this program include aMPV, a respiratory disease primarily affecting poultry; HPAI, a fatal viral disease affecting both domestic and wild birds; and H5N1, known for affecting poultry and occasionally other animals such as dairy cows. While H5N1 is less fatal to cows compared to its impact on poultry, the financial strain from any livestock loss can be significant.

The Disaster Recovery Loan Program is aimed at supporting farmers during times of declared disasters or hardship by offering zero-interest financing. These loans can be used for several purposes, including the replacement of livestock, building improvements, or to compensate for revenue losses directly linked to the outbreaks of the aforementioned diseases.

Farmers interested in this program are advised to collaborate with their local lenders to secure these loans through the RFA. This effort underscores the Minnesota Department of Agriculture's commitment to supporting the state’s farming community during challenging times.

By extending the eligibility period, the RFA aims to provide a broader safety net, ensuring that more farmers can benefit from financial support in the wake of animal disease outbreaks. This initiative not only aids in immediate recovery but also reinforces the resilience of the agricultural sector against future crises.

Photo Credits:minnesota-department-of-agriculture

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Categories: Minnesota, Government & Policy, Livestock

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