Minnesota farmers facing challenges such as drought and dairy supply chain issues can find help through the Farm Advocate Program offered by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). This program connects farmers with trained advisors who provide confidential one-on-one assistance and advice during crises caused by natural disasters or financial problems.
Minnesota Farm Advocate Bruce Lubitz encourages struggling farmers to seek support without any charge or fee. Advocates visit farmers' farms, analyze potential issues, and offer suggestions and assistance to remedy them. Farmers can receive help with financial planning, lender negotiations, and referrals to federal and state farm programs, legal services, and social and human services.
Farm Advocates are available to visit struggling farmers on their farms, where they can analyze potential problems and provide suggestions for resolving them.
The assistance is completely confidential and covers various areas of support, including:
• Financial Planning and Lender Negotiations: Advocates can help farmers with financial planning and guide them in negotiations with lenders.
• Referrals and Assistance with Farm Programs: Advocates can connect farmers to federal and state farm programs, ensuring they receive the support they are entitled to.
• Legal and Human Services: The program offers access to legal services and social/human services, providing comprehensive support.
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has been supporting the Farm Advocate Program since 1984, and it was established during the farm crisis of the 1980s. Over the years, hundreds of farmers have benefitted from the expertise and care provided by these advocates.
For more information and to find the nearest Farm Advocate, farmers can visit the MDA website at www.mda.state.mn.us/farmadvocates The Farm Advocate Program stands ready to provide essential assistance and support to Minnesota farmers in their time of need.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-creativenature-nl
Categories: Minnesota, Business