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Minnesota grants boost ethanol access

Minnesota grants boost ethanol access

By Scout Nelson

Sixteen retail service stations across Minnesota have received grant funding from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to boost the availability and sales of motor fuel blends containing at least 15% ethanol.

The grants, awarded through the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Biofuels Infrastructure Grant program, total over $3 million. These one-time funds were distributed through a competitive review process. A complete list of this year’s recipients and their respective awards is available below.

“With the EPA’s recent decision to permit year-round E15 sales starting in 2024, the MDA is excited to collaborate with these service stations to provide greater access to this affordable, cleaner fuel alternative for Minnesotans while also supporting our state’s agricultural sector,” stated Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen.

The grant funds are intended to cover expenses related to the replacement or upgrading of existing station equipment to ensure it meets certification standards for compatibility with E25 or higher motor fuel blends. Eligible applicants included retail petroleum dispensers in Minnesota with no more than 10 locations.

Details on previously funded projects and additional information about the Biofuels Infrastructure Grant are available on the MDA website.

This grant program is funded through a legislative appropriation for the AGRI Program, with additional support from Minnesota Corn. The AGRI Program provide grants to farmers, agribusinesses, schools, and other entities throughout Minnesota to promote the state’s agricultural and renewable energy sectors.

Photo Credit: minnesota-department-of-agriculture

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Categories: Minnesota, Energy, General

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