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Minnesota harvest sees mixed crop progress

Minnesota harvest sees mixed crop progress

By Scout Nelson

Minnesota farmers had an average of 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 25, 2024, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Key activities included chopping corn for silage and harvesting small grains, sugarbeets, and potatoes.

Topsoil moisture was mostly favorable, with 79% rated as adequate and 11% as surplus, while subsoil moisture showed similar results, with 83% adequate and 11% surplus.

Corn progress showed 78% reaching the dough stage, though this was 11 days behind last year. About 19% of the corn crop was in the dent stage, and 5% had matured. Overall, corn condition was rated 60% good to excellent, with 6% already harvested for silage.

Soybeans were also progressing, with 89% setting pods, though 8 days behind both last year and the average. Soybean coloring was observed at 5%, with the crop condition rated 63% good to excellent.

Barley harvest reached 57%, with 80% of the crop rated good to excellent. Oats harvesting progressed to 74%, while spring wheat harvest was 54% complete, with 83% of the crop in good to excellent condition.

Dry edible beans showed strong growth, with 98% blooming and 86% setting pods. The crop was 9% dropping leaves, with 73% in good to excellent condition. Potato harvest was 9% complete, with 93% of the crop rated good to excellent. Sugarbeet harvest reached 3%, with 80% of the crop rated good to excellent. Sunflower conditions were also positive, with 71% rated good to excellent.

The second cutting of alfalfa hay was nearing completion, reaching 94%.

This USDA report highlights the ongoing harvest activities in Minnesota, with mixed crop progress and conditions as the season advances.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mvburling


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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Sorghum, Sugar Beets, Hay & Forage

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