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Small grains harvest wraps up in Minnesota

Small grains harvest wraps up in Minnesota

By Scout Nelson

Warm, sunny days provided Minnesota farmers with an average of 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending September 15, 2024, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

With the small grains harvest nearing completion, farmers began harvesting row crops while also chopping corn for silage and harvesting dry beans, potatoes, and sugarbeets.

Topsoil moisture was rated 2% very short, 23% short, 69% adequate, and 6% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were similarly favorable, with 2% very short, 14% short, 77% adequate, and 7% surplus.

Corn progress showed that 95% of the crop was in or past the dough stage, with 69% dented, though 12 days behind last year and a week behind the five-year average. Corn maturity reached 27%, and 1% of the crop has been harvested. Corn condition was rated 63% good to excellent, with silage harvest at 36%.

Soybean development was slightly behind, with 61% of the crop coloring or beyond, a week behind last year and four days behind average. Leaves dropping were at 23%, with harvest just beginning at 1%. Soybean condition was rated 66% good to excellent.

Small grains harvest was nearly complete, with 95% of barley, 97% of oats, and 99% of spring wheat harvested.

Dry edible beans dropping leaves reached 65%, with 17% of the crop harvested. The condition of the dry edible bean crop was rated 72% good to excellent.

The potato harvest reached 33%, and the condition of the crop was rated 87% good to excellent. Sugarbeet harvest began with 7% complete, and the crop was rated 82% good to excellent. Sunflower condition was strong, with 79% rated good to excellent.

This USDA report highlights the steady progress of the 2024 harvest season, with favorable weather allowing farmers to make headway in both raw and specialty crops.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-giovanni1232

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Sugar Beets, Weather

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