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Torres Small engages with Minnesota farmers

Torres Small engages with Minnesota farmers

By Scout Nelson

Amidst changing weather, Deputy Secretary of USDA Xochitl Torres Small addressed pressing issues faced by farmers during her visit to Minnesota. Despite the heavy rain, Torres Small continued her engagements with local farmers, listening to their concerns and discussing potential solutions.

“Despite the rain and I know that across Minnesota there’s been some challenges with flooding,” Torres Small remarked about the weather. “We’re still out here, getting the chance to hear from farmers about their challenges and how we can better work together.”

 Throughout the day, Torres Small engaged in conversations with farmers, focusing on critical topics such as low commodity prices and market diversification. “One of the key things I’ve been hearing just across the board are the low commodity prices,” she said.

“USDA is working hard to invest in opportunities to increase ag income. Right now, about 7% of farmers get over 85% of the ag income. We’re trying to find ways for farmers to get a fair share of the food dollar.”

Torres Small highlighted the recently announced RAP program, a $1.2 billion initiative aimed at diversifying markets overseas. “Most of our exports go to Canada, Mexico, and China. The RAP program seeks to expand markets in places like Africa, Latin America, parts of Asia, and the EU,” she explained.

Addressing the importance of face-to-face interactions, Torres Small emphasized the need for inclusive farm programs. “We need farm programs that are for the many and the most, not just for the highest-grossing farmers. It’s crucial to support added value and added income.”

Torres Small assured farmers that the USDA is committed to being a supportive partner. “Whether it’s finding ways to ensure you get a fair share of the food dollar or making our programs easier to access, we recognize the challenging times. Farmers are feeding our nation and our world, and we are here to support you.”

Photo Credit: pexels-nataliya-vaitkevich

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Categories: Minnesota, General, Government & Policy

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