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Urgent call to EPA - preserve Dicamba use for farmers

Urgent call to EPA - preserve Dicamba use for farmers

By Scout Nelson

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President, Zippy Duvall, has urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue an existing stock order to allow farmers to use their current dicamba supplies for the upcoming planting season, following a court ruling in Arizona that revoked the registration of three key dicamba products.  

Duvall highlights the challenges faced by farmers who have already committed to dicamba-tolerant crop systems, citing the EPA's endorsements. Many farmers have already made planting decisions and plan to use dicamba products soon, citing substantial investments and financial loans made in anticipation.  

Echoing the urgency of the situation, Minnesota Farm Bureau President Dan Glessing released a statement, saying, “Tools like dicamba products help farmers ensure healthy plants that yield crops to feed a growing population.”   

The EPA's approval has influenced Minnesota farmers' 2024 growing season purchases, causing financial burdens and legal disputes. They should not have to shoulder these costs and source alternative products. 

Both Duvall and Glessing underscore the necessity of maintaining access to dicamba, advocating for the rights of farmers to continue using this crucial crop protection tool in line with existing guidelines.  

The AFBF's proactive approach seeks to safeguard farmers' investments and the agricultural industry's ability to manage crops effectively amidst legal disputes over pesticide registrations. 

Photo Credit - american-farm-bureau-federation

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Government & Policy

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