University of Minnesota Extension is hosting an Advanced Nitrogen Smart training in Farmington on Friday, March 1. The session, “A Deep Dive Into the 4Rs,” runs from 9 a.m. to noon at the Dakota County Extension and Conservation Center, 4100 220th St., Farmington. This training is free and registration is not required.
Most involved in agriculture in southeast Minnesota are aware of the issues surrounding nitrates in groundwater, and the recent EPA directive to the state to take additional action to address the problem. It is imperative that farmers understand the issues and how they can help address the situation.
“A deep dive into the 4Rs” picks up where the Nitrogen Smart Fundamentals course left off, with a detailed discussion on N rate, the contributions from soil and the stress from climate factors.
The 4Rs were developed in collaboration between university researchers and the fertilizer industry during the late 1980s.
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Photo Credit: gettyimages-leightrail
Categories: Minnesota, Energy