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Best practices for using glufosinate

Best practices for using glufosinate

By Scout Nelson

Maximizing weed control in crops like corn, soybean, and canola relies on effective herbicide application. Glufosinate, a non-selective, contact herbicide, offers a valuable tool for managing weeds, particularly in crops engineered for glufosinate resistance.

Weed height plays a crucial role in glufosinate effectiveness. Optimal control is achieved when targeting small, actively growing weeds, preferably less than 3 inches tall. Taller weeds may experience regrowth from lower growing points post-application.

Temperature significantly impacts glufosinate performance. Warmer temperatures, high humidity, and bright sunlight enhance herbicide efficacy. Farmers can expect better results when applying glufosinate in late May or June compared to earlier in the season.

Relative humidity also influences glufosinate effectiveness. Higher humidity levels improve herbicide control, while lower humidity may reduce absorption in plants. It's important to avoid applying glufosinate under low humidity conditions.

Time of day matters when applying glufosinate. Aim for applications between 3 to 4 hours after sunrise and 3 to 4 hours before sunset to ensure adequate sunlight for herbicide activity.

Appropriate carrier volume, nozzle selection, and adjuvant use are essential for maximizing glufosinate efficacy. Follow label recommendations for water volume, nozzle type, and the addition of ammonium sulfate to enhance herbicide performance.

To manage herbicide resistance, diversify weed management practices. Incorporate non-chemical tools like cultivation, hand weeding, and cover crops. Use preemergence herbicides, rotate crops and herbicide-resistant traits, and employ multiple herbicide sites of action.

Scouting fields for weed escapes and minimizing the weed seed bank through integrated weed management strategies are critical for long-term weed control efficacy.

By implementing these strategies, farmers can optimize glufosinate efficacy, mitigate herbicide resistance, and sustainably manage weeds in their crops.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-zoomtravels

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