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Stay ahead with Minnesota's alfalfa harvest update

Stay ahead with Minnesota's alfalfa harvest update

By Scout Nelson

This week, the Alfalfa Harvest Alert Project continued to monitor the alfalfa fields in the southern areas of central Minnesota. Observations noted a shift from vegetative to bud stages, which signals a decrease in forage quality. Recent rains have caused some lodging, yet the fields maintain good condition overall.

Producers rely on tools like the Relative Feed Value (RFV) and Relative Feed Quality (RFQ) to decide the best harvest times based on their livestock's nutritional needs.

The Predictive Equation for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ) evaluates these values by assessing the maturity stage and stem height to ensure high feed quality.

It's advised to harvest alfalfa at 15 to 25 RFV points above the desired feeding value due to potential losses during harvest, wilting, and storage.

The project aims to support growers in managing their hay crops more strategically amidst their busy schedules, rather than pinpointing an exact harvest day.

For detailed Alfalfa Harvest Alert data, including historical records since 1977, visit to access the information in a comprehensive tool or download the latest data as a PDF.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-0shut0

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Alfalfa

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