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Farmers rally for agriculture day at Minnesota capitol

Farmers rally for agriculture day at Minnesota capitol

By Scout Nelson

The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) orchestrated a powerful gathering of over 150 farmers and ranchers from across the state for its annual Day on the Hill event on March 19. This impactful day began with an informative briefing, setting the stage for a day filled with advocacy and engagement with agricultural leaders and local elected officials.

Key figures such as Minnesota Department of Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen, Sen. Aric Putnam, Rep. Samantha Vang, and MFBF President Dan Glessing took to the Capitol steps to address the attendees, emphasizing the significance of agriculture in Minnesota. Commissioner Petersen marked the occasion with the presentation of a proclamation, declaring it ‘Agriculture Day in Minnesota.’

The heart of the day's activities involved personal meetings between farmers, ranchers, and their local legislators, providing a direct channel to voice the challenges and priorities of the agricultural community. Participants also had the chance to attend committee hearings, further solidifying agriculture's presence and impact in legislative discussions.

MFBF President Dan Glessing reflected on the importance of these personal interactions, noting, “Meeting with legislators in person is the best way to get our members' concerns heard at the Capitol. ” He praised the passion and enthusiasm of the members as they advocated for their farms, ranches, and the broader future of agriculture.

The day was not only about meetings and proclamations; it also featured a visual tribute to agriculture’s role in Minnesota's economy. A tractor was prominently displayed on the Capitol Mall alongside signs highlighting agriculture’s vast contributions.

The Day on the Hill reminds us of the unified strength and dedication of the agricultural community in Minnesota. By coming together, farmers and ranchers ensure their voices are heard, advocating for the vital role of agriculture in the state’s economy and way of life.

Photo Credit -minnesota-farm-bureau

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