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Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announce key appointments

Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announce key appointments

By Scout Nelson

Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan announced new appointments to various state boards and committees today.

Among the notable appointments is Jeff Wheeler from Montrose, MN, who has been reappointed to the Agricultural Chemical Response Compensation Board as the Representative of Chemical Retailers. His term is effective from July 17, 2024, and will expire on January 3, 2028.

The Agricultural Chemical Response Compensation Board plays a crucial role in handling applications for reimbursement from the Agricultural Chemical Response and Reimbursement Account.

The board determines the eligibility and amount of reimbursement due and notifies the Commissioner of Agriculture of eligible claims.

This board is essential for managing the financial aspects related to agricultural chemical incidents, ensuring that eligible parties receive the necessary compensation for their claims.

Jeff Wheeler's reappointment signifies his ongoing commitment to representing chemical retailers and contributing to the board's responsibilities.

In addition to the Agricultural Chemical Response Compensation Board, other appointments were made to the Board of Nursing, the Certification Advisory Committee, and the Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing.

These appointments reflect the administration's dedication to maintaining strong leadership and oversight across various sectors.

Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan emphasized the importance of these appointments in ensuring effective governance and support for Minnesota's communities.

They expressed confidence in the appointees' abilities to uphold the standards and responsibilities of their respective roles.

Jeff Wheeler's continued service on the Agricultural Chemical Response Compensation Board is expected to benefit the agricultural community by providing experienced oversight and ensuring that the reimbursement process remains fair and efficient.

His role is vital in helping chemical retailers navigate the complexities of agricultural chemical response and compensation.

Overall, these appointments highlight the administration's ongoing efforts to strengthen Minnesota's agricultural, healthcare, and community services sectors through dedicated and experienced leadership.

The selected individuals are poised to contribute positively to their respective boards and committees, promoting progress and stability within the state.

As the newly appointed members begin their terms, they will play an essential part in addressing the challenges and opportunities within their areas of responsibility, working towards a better future for all Minnesotans.

Photo Credit: istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Minnesota, Government & Policy

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