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Harvest advances for corn,soybeans and grains

Harvest advances for corn,soybeans and grains

By Scout Nelson

Minnesota farmers averaged 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending September 8, 2024, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. This allowed for progress in chopping corn for silage, harvesting small grains, sugarbeets, and potatoes. Livestock conditions were reported to be stable, with no issues affecting their well-being.

Topsoil moisture levels were rated 2 percent very short, 14 percent short, 74 percent adequate, and 10 percent surplus, while subsoil moisture supplies were similar, with 2 percent very short, 9 percent short, 79 percent adequate, and 10 percent surplus.

Corn crops showed varying stages of maturity. About 93 percent of corn had reached the dough stage, while 55 percent had entered the dent stage, lagging behind last year's progress by 10 days and the five-year average by five days. Approximately 12 percent of the corn crop was considered mature, with 58 percent of it rated as good to excellent. Corn harvested for silage had reached 19 percent completion.

Soybeans were also making progress, with 96 percent setting pods and 33 percent beginning to change color, although this was behind last year’s progress by nine days. Four percent of soybean leaves had dropped, with 62 percent of the crop in good to excellent condition.

Other crops also showed strong progress. Barley harvest was 90 percent complete, oats were 94 percent harvested, and 89 percent of spring wheat had been harvested. Dry edible beans were 97 percent setting pods, with 5 percent harvested, and rated 68 percent good to excellent.

Potatoes were 16 percent harvested, and sugarbeet harvest had reached 6 percent, with both crops in strong condition at 87 percent and 82 percent good to excellent, respectively. Sunflowers were also in good shape, with 70 percent rated good to excellent.

Farmers across Minnesota continue to make steady progress with positive crop conditions and favorable fieldwork opportunities.

Photo Credit:gettyimages-studio2013

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Weather

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