Climate change is making our farms and our farm planning more unpredictable. It is becoming increasingly important to address climate change considerations in our land management planning and decision-making. This winter, join the Land Stewardship Project and Laura Lengnick of Cultivating Resilience for a four-part training series targeted to specialty crop growers.
Through this series, you will be guided through a five-step process of Whole Farm Planning for Climate Resilience in order to:
- Learn more about the potential impacts of increasing climate variability and change on your agricultural operation.
- Evaluate climate risk management options that best support your farm and family goals by reducing risks and capturing new opportunities associated with changing climate conditions.
- Make a plan to implement selected climate resilience strategies and evaluate their effectiveness over time.
This four-part series will give you tools to incorporate climate change considerations into annual operations as well as over the longer-term with an adaptive whole farm management strategy that draws on your experience and expertise as a farmer.
The first part of the training will include an overnight retreat Dec. 2-3 at Mount Olivet Retreat Center in Farmington. The additional three trainings will be held over Zoom (with the schedule TBD).
The training cost is $200/person or $350/two farming partners. This cost includes the food and lodging for the retreat as well as the additional zoom trainings and follow-up support. Scholarships are available. We are targeting specialty crop growers (vegetables, cut flowers, fruits, etc.) with two or more years of farming experience for this training. There are a limited number of spaces available, sign-up by filling out this online form: Please feel to reach out with any specific questions.
Categories: Minnesota, Business, Crops, Fruits and Vegetables, Weather