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Maximize your herbicide effectiveness - Expert tips & tricks

Maximize your herbicide effectiveness - Expert tips & tricks

By Scout Nelson

Conquering weeds and maximizing your herbicide investment can be tricky. But fear not, farmers! This episode of "Strategic Farming: Let's talk crops!" dives deep into the secrets of effective herbicide application.

Nozzle know-how is key: Understanding nozzle types, spray angles, and flow rates is crucial for proper coverage. Remember, bigger droplets require higher volumes for optimal results. For contact herbicides like Liberty, droplet size is even more important.

Temperature matters: Some herbicides work best at specific temperatures. Always check the label for guidance and avoid extremely hot or cold conditions to prevent weed survivors.

Mix it right: Tank mixes can be tricky. Conduct jar tests to ensure compatibility and watch for precipitation that could clog your sprayer. Consider micronutrients' impact on droplet size and potential drift.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) systems: These can minimize skips if set up correctly. Choose the right nozzle size and speed to ensure even application.

Taming the "antagonism" beast: Mixing grass herbicides with growth regulators like Enlist can reduce weed control. Consider splitting applications or using sequential treatments for better results.

Residual power: Don't underestimate the power of residual herbicides! They control resistant weeds and prolong emergence patterns for long-term weed suppression. Overlapping residuals can further enhance control. Remember to rotate herbicide groups to prevent resistance development.

The ROI recipe: Strong pre-emergence residual programs with multiple modes of action offer the best weed control and ROI. But remember, integrated weed management is key! Utilize diverse strategies like cover crops, cultivation, and equipment cleaning to combat herbicide-resistant weeds effectively.

Last but not least: Read the label! It's packed with valuable information for successful herbicide application.

By following these expert tips and adapting them to your specific needs, you can achieve superior weed control, maximize your herbicide investment, and ensure a thriving farm.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-zoomtravels

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Harvesting

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