Small Grains Summer Plot Tours are essential events designed to equip farmers and crop consultants with valuable insights for achieving success and profitability in small grain production. These interactive tours take place at various locations across Minnesota, offering a comprehensive platform for learning and discussion.
With a focus on production agronomics, variety selection, pest identification, and management, the tours provide attendees with the necessary tools to optimize their small grain farming practices. The programs feature hands-on demonstrations, showcasing genetics, pests, and growth stages. Current research plots are toured, and participants can engage in discussions about on-farm experiences. The opportunity to bring field samples for diagnosis or discussion further enhances the learning experience.
Mark your calendars for the following tour locations and timings:
Oklee: July 18, 9am-11am
Strathcona: July 20, 12pm-3pm
Humboldt: July 21, 9am-11am
These tours serve as a valuable platform to access the latest knowledge and advancements in small grain production. Whether you're seeking guidance on agronomics, exploring a variety of options, or looking for effective pest management strategies, these tours are not to be missed.
For additional information and to stay updated on the Small Grains Summer Plot Tours, visit their website at Small grains summer plot tours.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-wwing
Categories: Minnesota, Crops