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Minnesota farmers earn 500 water quality endorsements

Minnesota farmers earn 500 water quality endorsements

By Scout Nelson

The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) has awarded 500 endorsements to farmers and landowners across the state, celebrating their conservation achievements. Since 2019, endorsements have been available for integrated pest management, soil health, and wildlife. In 2022, irrigation water management and Climate Smart endorsements were added.

Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen stated, “Many conservation practices targeting water quality also benefit soil health and wildlife protection. These endorsements honor certified producers for their exceptional conservation efforts.”

MAWQCP is a voluntary program that protects Minnesota's water resources. Certified farms have implemented nearly 2,900 new conservation practices, keeping over 48,000 tons of sediment out of rivers, saving 144,000 tons of soil, and reducing phosphorus by 60,000 pounds annually. Nitrogen loss has decreased by up to 49%, and greenhouse gas emissions have been cut by over 52,500 tons per year.

The program partners with organizations like Pheasants Forever and the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition. Meadowbrook Dairy, Inc., a fifth-generation farm in Stearns County, was the first to achieve all five endorsements. The Udermann family, owners of the farm, have been dedicated to improving water quality and soil sustainability.

Alex Udermann from Meadowbrook Dairy shared, “The certification process gave our farm direction and support to meet our conservation goals. It laid a solid foundation for learning and growth. We wanted to show our community that we are committed to sustainable farming.”

Current endorsements include 163 Climate Smart, 104 Integrated Pest Management, 13 Irrigation, 137 Soil Health, and 83 Wildlife endorsements. Certified producers receive additional recognition for their conservation excellence.

Farmers and landowners interested in endorsements or certification can contact their local Soil and Water Conservation District.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-fotografixx

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Categories: Minnesota, General, Government & Policy

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