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Minnesota launches protect grant to defend livestock

Minnesota launches protect grant to defend livestock

By Scout Nelson

Minnesota's agriculture is taking a significant step forward with the introduction of the Protect Grant by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). Aimed at enhancing the security of the state's livestock from diseases and environmental threats, this new grant opportunity is set to empower farmers and ranchers with up to $10,000 in competitive funding.

To access this grant, participants are required to contribute a 50% match, focusing on projects that include the installation of advanced fencing, electronic animal identification systems, and particularly innovative technologies like laser bird deterrents to protect poultry operations from wild birds.

Given the severe impact of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since 2022, which affected over 150 poultry farms and led to the loss of more than 6 million birds in Minnesota alone, the grant prioritizes cervid and poultry producers.

MDA Commissioner Thom Petersen emphasizes the critical need for preemptive action to combat threats like chronic wasting disease and HPAI, encouraging livestock owners to utilize this funding for essential protective measures.

With $500,000 allocated for the Protect Grant, the MDA aims to support between 50 to 75 applicants. The MDA is planning to notify successful applicants by April 15.

Highlighting the initiative's significance, Jack Vlaminck, President of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, endorses the Protect Grant. He draws attention to the AVIX Autonomic Laser Bird Deterrent system, an innovative solution proven to drastically reduce wild bird presence on farms, thereby mitigating the risk of avian flu transmission.

This technology, developed by Bird Control Group and validated by Wageningen University, projects a green laser beam that effectively scares away birds by simulating a physical threat. Its introduction represents a game-changing approach to disease prevention in livestock farming.

This strategic investment by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture marks a crucial advancement in protecting the state's vital agricultural sector from ongoing and emerging threats, showcasing a commitment to innovative solutions and the well-being of Minnesota's livestock and poultry producers.

Photo Credit -minnesota-department-of-agriculture

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Categories: Minnesota, Government & Policy, Livestock

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