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Moisture boosts Minnesota farms

Moisture boosts Minnesota farms

By Scout Nelson

Minnesota faced a challenging week with significant rainfall, resulting in only 2.4 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending May 26, 2024. Despite these challenges, reported by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, farmers capitalized on the brief dry periods to advance their planting efforts effectively.

The state's topsoil and subsoil moisture levels are in excellent condition. Topsoil moisture is reported with 64 % adequate and 31 % surplus, while subsoil moisture shows 69 % adequate and 22 % surplus. These conditions support healthy crop development across the board.

In terms of crop progress, corn planting is on track with 89 % of the fields planted, matching last year's progress and ahead of the five-year average. Fifty-eight % of the corn has already emerged, and the crop's condition is robust, with 75 % rated as good to excellent.

Soybeans are slightly behind, with 72 % planted, just one day behind last year but still two days ahead of the average, and 31 % of the crop has emerged.

Barley and oats are showing strong growth as well. Barley is 90 % planted with 73 % emerged and 20 % already jointing, boasting an 85 % good to excellent condition rating. Oats are nearly fully planted at 95 %, with 80 % emerged and 30 % jointing, maintaining an 82 % good to excellent rating.

Spring wheat is nearly completely in the ground at 96 % planted, with 82 % emerging and 30 % jointing, also enjoying an 82 % good to excellent condition. Other crops such as dry edible beans, alfalfa hay, potatoes, and sunflowers are progressing well with planting and emergence.

Livestock conditions remain stable with no reported issues, and the conditions for hay and pasture are encouraging, which is reflective of the good moisture levels. Sugarbeets are in exceptional condition, with a 97 % good to excellent rating.

Despite the limited fieldwork days due to weather, Minnesota’s agricultural sector is demonstrating resilience and progress. The adequate moisture levels are beneficial for crop development, setting a positive tone for the state’s agricultural outlook as the growing season advances.

Photo Credit -istock-dusanpetkovic

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Livestock

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