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Prairie Gate Literary Festival to Focus on Native, Indigenous Culture

The Prairie Gate Literary Festival (PGLF) will be held Oct. 6-8 at the University of Minnesota Morris.

The focus will be on Native North American and Indigenous culture as seen through first peoples writing.

Featured Indigenous authors include Walter LaBatte, Thomas Peacock, Teresa Peterson, Gwen Nell Westerman and Joshua Whitehead.

Authors will be participating in public readings, panel discussions and free Craft Talk Workshops. All events will be held in Briggs Library. Thomas Peacock, a Minnesota Book Award winner, is the author of a dozen books on Ojibwe history and culture, Native education, racism, and fiction. Gwen Nell Westerman is the current poet laureate of Minnesota. Joshua Whitehead is a two-spirit poet and novelist from Canada. Teresa Peterson and Walter LaBatte are co-authors of Voices from Pejuhutazizi: Dakota Stories and Storytellers. Peterson is an alum of UMN Morris.

For more information please visit Prairie Gate Literary Festival where you will find a detailed festival schedule, author bios, and workshop details.

The Prairie Gate Literary Festival is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Lake Region Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage fund. Additional support comes from the Rodney A. Briggs Library Associates, the Commission on Women, the Office of Equity & Diversity, the Native American Student Success Program, Briggs Library, and the Prairie Island Indian Community.

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