Embracing technology to solve dairy labor challenges will be explored in great depth at the 2023 Precision Dairy Conference, slated for June 20-21 in Bloomington, Minn.
Hosted by the University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, the two-day event will feature dairy technology topics of interest to dairy producers, researchers, veterinarians, and allied industry representatives.
Conference organizer Dr. Marcia Endres, Professor of Animal Science at the University of Minnesota, said the conference is a unique event in a neutral space, focusing on dairy technology at the farm level.
In addition to labor issues, the conference will explore how technology can help farmers improve environmental sustainability, animal health and welfare, and data integration for better decision making. Each topic will be addressed by a lead speaker, followed by panel discussions featuring producers and advisors.
Source: dairyherd.com
Photo Credit: GettyImages-JESP62
Categories: Minnesota, Livestock, Dairy Cattle