A Madelia farmer has assumed the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) presidency, while an Eyota farmer has begun her term as Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) president.
Harold Wolle, who raises corn and soybeans with his son, Matt, took over the NCGA presidency today from Eden Valley farmer Tom Haag. Meanwhile, Dana Allen-Tully, who operates a dairy and crop farm with her parents and brother, took over the MCGA presidency from Richard Syverson of Clontarf. Both Wolle and Allen-Tully will serve one-year terms.
A farmer of 47 years, Wolle has served on the MCGA board since 2012 and the NCGA board since 2018. He said his top priority for his presidency is advocating for passage of a robust Farm Bill that protects crop insurance, strengthens the farm safety net, and bolsters international market development. Other priorities include advocating for year-round E15 and the Next Generation Fuels Act, and continuing efforts to develop domestic and international markets for corn and ethanol.
Allen-Tully has been on the MCGA board since 2019 and served as its first vice president this past year. She said a priority for the year is helping corn farmers tell their sustainability story.
Source: mncorn.org
Photo Credit: National Corn Growers Association
Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Livestock, Dairy Cattle