Minnesota corn production is forecast at 1.44 billion bushels according to the latest USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service -- Crop Production report. Based on conditions as of November 1, yields are expected to average 191.0 bushels per acre, up 1.0 bushels per acre from the October 1 forecast and up 14.0 bushels per acre from last year. Corn planted acreage is estimated at 8.05 million acres with an estimated 7.55 million acres to be harvested for grain.
Soybean production is forecast at 369 million bushels. The yield is forecast at 50.0 bushels per acre, unchanged from the October forecast but up 3.0 bushels per acre from 2021. Soybean planted acreage is estimated at 7.45 million acres with 7.38 million acres to be harvested.
Sugarbeet production is estimated at 11.3 million tons, down 8 percent from last year. Yield is forecast at 25.7 tons per acre, up 0.4 tons from the October 1 forecast but down 5.3 tons from 2021. Acres expected to be harvested have increased 42,000 acres from last year to 438,000 acres.
Potato production in Minnesota is forecast at 19.3 million cwt, up 10 percent from 2021. Yield is forecast at 415 cwt per acre, with an expected 46,500 acres to be harvested.
The forecasts in this report are based on November 1 conditions and do not reflect weather effects since that time. The next corn and soybean production estimates will be published in the Crop Production -- Annual Summary report which will be released January 12.
Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Fruits and Vegetables