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Minnesota crop progress update

Minnesota crop progress update

By Scout Nelson

In Minnesota, the past week saw persistent rain, allowing only 2.3 days suitable for fieldwork, as noted by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Farmers managed to press on with planting, pesticide application, and manure spreading during these brief windows of opportunity.

The state’s topsoil moisture is well-distributed with 0 % very short, 2 % short, 58 % adequate, and 40 % surplus. Similarly, subsoil moisture levels were favorable with only 1 % very short, 5 % short, 64 % adequate, and 30 % surplus.

Corn planting in Minnesota is nearly complete at 93%, slightly behind last year but ahead of the five-year average. About 74 % of corn has emerged, with 78 % of it rated as good to excellent.

Soybeans lagged slightly at 80 % planted, behind last year’s pace, and 49 % of the crop has emerged with 74 % in good to excellent condition.

Other crops also showed promising progress. Barley is 92 % planted with 84 percent emerged and 37 % jointing. Oats and spring wheat are well along, with good to excellent conditions prevailing across the board. The planting of potatoes and sunflowers progressed well, matching or exceeding average rates.

Livestock reported no issues, benefiting from the stable conditions. The first alfalfa hay cutting is underway, reaching 24 % completion. The condition of all hay and pasture remains robust, crucial for ongoing livestock health.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-stockseller_ukr

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Livestock

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