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Minnesota’s crops growth on fast track

Minnesota’s crops growth on fast track

By Scout Nelson

In the week ending May 19, 2024, Minnesota farmers took advantage of 4.8 suitable days for fieldwork to advance their planting and spraying efforts, as noted by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Livestock conditions remained stable with no issues reported, indicating a healthy start to the season.

The state's soil moisture levels were well-balanced, with topsoil moisture at 74% adequate and 18% surplus, while subsoil moisture also supported crop growth with 70% adequate and 17% surplus. These conditions have been instrumental in ensuring good crop germination and early growth.

Significant planting progress was observed across various crops. Corn planting reached 81%, slightly ahead of last year, with 38% of the crops emerging. Soybeans were also well underway with 51% planted and 15% emerged.

Barley showed a strong start with 86% planted, 51% emerged, and 2% of the crop beginning to joint. Oats planting was near completion at 91%, with 68% emerging and 19% jointing. Spring wheat was notably advanced with 91% planted, 67% emerged, and 12% jointing.

Other crops such as dry beans, potatoes, and sunflowers showed varying degrees of planting progress, with potatoes notably high at 80% planted. Sugarbeet planting was nearly complete at 98%, with an impressive 96% of the crops rated as good to excellent.

The first cutting of alfalfa hay has begun, marking a critical period for forage production. Hay conditions were good to excellent for 62% of the fields, closely mirroring the 61% good to excellent ratings for pasture conditions.

With the favorable weather conditions continuing, Minnesota farmers are optimistic about maintaining strong momentum through the growing season, aiming for high yields and excellent crop quality.

Photo Credit -istock-ligora

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Categories: Minnesota, Crops, Livestock

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