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Lake Region Farm Wages at $18.83 per Hour

There were 63,000 workers hired directly by farms in the Lake Region (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) during the reference week of July 10-16, 2022, according to the latest USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service -- Farm Labor report. Farm operators paid their hired workers an average wage rate of $18.49 per hour, $2.47 above July 2021. The number of hours worked averaged 41.3 for hired workers during the reference week, compared with 40.4 hours in July 2021.

During the reference week of October 9-15, 2022, there were 69,000 workers hired directly by farms in the Lake Region (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin). Farm operators paid their hired workers an average wage rate of $18.83 per hour during the October 2022 reference week, $2.26 above October 2021. The number of hours worked averaged 42.9 for hired workers during the reference week, compared with 41.3 hours in October 2021.

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Categories: Michigan, Business, Minnesota, Business

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