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MDA seeks input - expand Farm to School efforts

MDA seeks input - expand Farm to School efforts

By Scout Nelson

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) invites stakeholders to join virtual public input sessions regarding the expansion of Farm to School and Early Care efforts in the state.

Collaborating with the Minnesota Department of Education and other partners, MDA aims to gather input on strategies for increasing local food purchasing, promoting food and agriculture education, fostering school gardens, and enhancing cross-sector collaboration.

Two virtual input sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Teams:

  • Join the first input session on Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 3-4 p.m. Register Now
  • second session on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 6-7 p.m. Register Now

Participation is encouraged from all parts of the public, including farmers, school nutrition specialists, early care providers, partners in the food system, and educators. The first-ever Farm to Kids Strategic Plan in Minnesota will be developed using suggestions and input from these sessions.

Its goal is to boost local food procurement and food/agriculture education initiatives in schools and early care facilities throughout the state over the course of the next three to five years.

Supported by a USDA Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant, the MDA and its partners plan to unveil the final strategic plan in October 2024, coinciding with Farm to School and Early Care Month.

The strategic plan will be implemented collaboratively by state agencies and organizations comprising the Minnesota Farm to School Leadership Team and Minnesota Farm to Early Care Advisory Group.

This collaborative effort seeks to strengthen Farm to School and Early Care initiatives, fostering healthier communities and supporting local farmers while promoting agricultural education.

Your participation in these virtual input sessions is crucial in shaping the future of Farm to School and Early Care efforts in Minnesota.

Photo Credit -farm-to-school

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Categories: Minnesota, Education

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