The 2022 Minnesota Cattle Industry Convention is an event that brings together Minnesota farmers and ranchers as well as many other beef industry stakeholders. It encompasses opportunities for education, policy discussion and development, along with a cattle-focused trade show. The Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association will host the 2022 annual convention and trade show Dec. 9 and 10 at the Willmar Conference Center in Willmar. The 2022 convention will feature MSCA's annual Cattlemen's College series featuring timely topics and speakers that will help you defend your livelihood! Additionally, attendees will take in membership meetings and networking opportunities with fellow cattlemen, local/state/national leaders, and beef industry partners.
Special guests at this year's convention include:
- Thom Peterson, Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture
- Don Schiefelbein, President, National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA)
- John Hinners, Senior Vice President, Industry Relations U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)
- Brad Kooima, President, Kooima Kooima Varilek Trading
- Reba Mazak, President, American National CattleWomen's Association
- Kristina Porter, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- Jackson Neil, Performance Livestock Analytics, Performance Beef, Cattle Krush
- Jerrid Sebesta, Director of Business Development, Taaties Financial Group, former TV Meteorologist
Other convention highlights include MSCA and MN Cattlewomen annual meetings, live and silent auctions, setting 2022 legislative priorities, and excellent networking opportunities with legislators, government agencies, beef industry partners, and fellow cattle producers.
Categories: Minnesota, Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle